Sunday, November 24, 2019

What to expect from COP25?

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The key issues to be discussed and resolved at COP25 include:
Strengthening Climate Ambition, Long-Term Decarbonization and Resilience.
At COP25, countries must not only reiterate but strengthen their commitments regarding  enhanced NDCs by 2020 and launch national inclusive and multi-stakeholder enhancement processes.
The rules, modalities, procedures, and guidance developed under Article 6 must be in line with the highest standard of environmental integrity.
Recommendations should be prepared on far more ambitious NDCs based on the findings of the three recent IPCC special reports on 1.5°C, land, and oceans and cryosphere. Rich countries must use the Pre-2020 

high-level stocktaking to acknowledge the currently projected finance gap, demonstrate real progress on the $100 billion goal and explain how they intend to substantially increase levels of finance provided for adaptation.
In order to prevent that a newly established scheme is undermined by previous mistakes, no unit generated under the Kyoto Protocol should be eligible under the Paris Agreement. This includes CERs, ERUs, and AAUs generated in any year before 2021.
Sustainable development must be an integral part of Article 6, what  this requires the adoption of social and environmental safeguards, the establishment of an independent grievance mechanism, and the inclusion of mandatory local stakeholder consultations for any project implemented under article 6.
- Review of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage (WIM).Parties need to engage in a full fledged discussion on the availability of finance to address loss and damage, beyond adaptation, including various aspects of the loss and damage financial architecture:

  • the role of existing institutions and whether there is a need for new ones to address the multiple needs of loss and damage finance, 
  • new and innovative sources of finance that can generate truly additional resources (such as levies on air and maritime transport, a climate damages tax on fossil fuel exploration) at a scale of $50 billion by 2022, and 
  • how funding can reach the most vulnerable. 
Source: Climate Action Network