Super-busy people of 21th century rarely can afford spending more than 20-30 seconds on any piece of information. This website is created to make it easier to navigate through the limitless ocean of information and follow really important and interesting information on sustainable energy and climate change.
Featured news and facts are "hand-picked" and presented in the form of short annotations (usually up to 200 words) with references and links to original sources, what makes the website friendly for users of mobile devices.
You can also easily screen conveniently organized feeds of latest news and events, search for green jobs, learn about related tools, videos and publications.
Mykola Raptsun is designer and content developer of this web site. He has over 35 years of experience in sustainable energy, low carbon technologies, and climate change research and project development.
Some of our pages link to third party websites that are not under our control. We cannot guarantee that these sites adhere to strict codes of conduct with respect to privacy, and visitors to our website should be aware that if they submit personal information to these third party sites, they do so at their own risk.
We are not responsible for the republishing of the content found on this website on other websites or media without our permission.
This privacy policy is subject to change without notice.
You can also easily screen conveniently organized feeds of latest news and events, search for green jobs, learn about related tools, videos and publications.
Mykola Raptsun is designer and content developer of this web site. He has over 35 years of experience in sustainable energy, low carbon technologies, and climate change research and project development.
Privacy policy
We do not share personal information with third-parties nor do we store information we collect about your visit to this website for use other than to analyze content performance through the use of cookies, which you can turn off at anytime by modifying your Internet browser's settings. Our website is compliant with the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation.Some of our pages link to third party websites that are not under our control. We cannot guarantee that these sites adhere to strict codes of conduct with respect to privacy, and visitors to our website should be aware that if they submit personal information to these third party sites, they do so at their own risk.
We are not responsible for the republishing of the content found on this website on other websites or media without our permission.
This privacy policy is subject to change without notice.